Checking In: The simple way to reconnect with your SO when you’re feeling disconnected

Strong communication and connection are the foundation of a healthy relationship. But life has a funny way of getting in the way and keeping us apart, making both of those crucial components harder to maintain regularly.

Whether it’s long work hours, the hectic nature of raising kids, or the rut borne from routine, life is full of distractions that will keep you out of step with your partner. And if you’re not careful, the distance and disconnect will grow to such a point that finding your way back to each other will become nearly impossible.

This is where relationship check-ins come in handy. What is a relationship check-in, you ask? It’s prioritized time where both partners meet and essentially reconnect on a weekly or monthly basis. More than just a Joey Tribiani “How you doin’?” situation, check-ins are more specific; time set aside where you can both talk openly and freely about your emotions, aspirations, and areas of personal development.

Put the phones away, turn off the TV, and take 5 to 10 minutes to have a conversation about what’s been going on in your lives. What’s been good? What’s been challenging? How can you support one another? What would you like to work on going forward? What is something that you appreciate the other is doing?

Engaging in a meaningful conversation where you can both be honest about how you’re feeling is an important first step in reconnecting as a couple. It’s a healthy habit to develop that will surely lead to having some necessary conversations later on that will only serve to strengthen your bond.

Think first date thoughts with the reassuance of knowing you and your partner have already built a solid foundation. Check-in with one another and start viewing your relationship through fresh eyes.

So, deep breaths, love birds and get connecting.